There's only
ONE degree of separation left. I've been saying that a lot lately! I saw a movie last night that made me think about it in a different way.
The movie CRASH is:a must see
thought provoking
about human nature
about judgements
about assumptions
about "first impressions"
about the good and evil in every human being
You never know.............about people, about when and where and
how your lives will intertwine.
Those are all the things that I am thinking about as I continue to feel the movie in the hours since seeing it. And yet the first thing I said when the movie was over is
........."ohhhh the soundtrack is going to be great". So I looked up the soundtrack for CRASH on iTunes and most of it is by a New Age artist named
Mark Isham. His name doesn't sound familiar although I LOVE new age music. And so I purchased it and
I am listening to it right now. And while on iTunes and discovered that Mark Isham did the music for the movie A River Runs Through It, Life As A House, Blade, & Last Dance. Amazing.
And then I looked at the soundtrack for Mystic River and discovered that
Clint Eastwood is the musical artist. And he did the soundtrack for Million Dollar Baby.
Who knew?!And then I looked up music by
Robbie Robertson because Marya can't say enough good things about him on her blog. He's
Native American. I think I found his name when looking up Native American musicians with my friend Teri last month. Teri was on her way to Seattle to hook up with a group of Native American musicians. While
Teri was visiting me I read her parts of Marya's blog and told her that if we had time I would have introduced them because I think they'd "click", (not knowing, of course, that they could talk about this common musical interest). And all the while reading on
Marya's blog about recent
re-connection with a high school buddy, at the SAME time having a similiar re-connection with Teri.
The .......evidence........that
we are all inter-connected keeps building and building...........not just because I live in a small town. The UNIVERSE seems to be a small place, doesn't it????